Thursday, June 19, 2014

What I'm reading now

While on a weekly library trip with my daughter, R, I've borrowed a few books from the library. One of them was "The 30-Minute Pregnancy Workout Book" by Anna Aberg.

I've just started reading it while R was napping but haven't really gotten around followwing the routines. I find them doable especially to those who have been already active even before getting pregnant. Before I learned that I was pregnant, I was training to run a 10K faster and have still been running 4 times a week up to now. I'm just looking to add another light-weight training program to add to my routine.

Another book I borrowed was "Your Vegetarian Pregnancy" by  Dr. Holly Roberts. Since giving birth to Rachel, my lunch is usually a salad or a vegetarian meal. It's a challenge for me to have a vegetarian dinner since my husband is a meat-loving I try to cook a veggie dish and a poultry or fish dish for dinner. Hopefully this book will help me convince my family that a vegetarian diet is just as nutritionally sound as one that includes animal-protein.

I'm the type of person who reads several books all together and read a part of this and that during the day. "Supernatural Childbirth" by Jackie Mize is one of the books that I've also been reading even before conception of my second baby. This is such an insightful book about putting faith principles in having my own "perfect/supernatul" pregnancy and pain-free labour/childbirth. In the last two years that my husband and I have been trying to conceive, this book has helped me to believe that God has his own perfect timing for me to be pregnant again and have a beautiful baby.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

A pleasant surprise

The news of having a positive home pregnancy test for the second time came as a surprise for M and I. I was shaking from sheer joy that this was happening again! We've been so busy in May preparing for our overseas trip and it just never crossed my mind that I've already missed my period last month.

The weekend after we came back from our 3-week Asian vacation was when I decided to test and found out we were expecting! On my first doctor's visit last Tuesday, June 10, she told me I was already 6.5 weeks along! What a blessing! EDD for baby no.2 is February 1, 2015.

I thank God for this wonderful opportunity to be pregnant again and have another baby! We just pray for a healthy and normal pregnancy.