Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday's Five Things I'm Grateful For

Hi folks, it's Monday once again and for once, I'm not late in posting this entry. During the week, I mentally list my five things even before I start writing anything. There are definitely more than five things I'm thankful for every week, but these are what stood out for me last week.

1. I'm thankful that Rachel is officially potty trained...woot woot! Since last week, she's been wearing her toddler Minnie Mouse undies and have only been in a couple "accidents".

2.  Rachel loved attending Vacation Bible School (VBS) last week. VBS is a week long event during the summer that focuses on teaching school-aged kids about the Bible. This year's theme was "Weird Animals". I'm so proud of her too for participating in the songs, games, crafts, and story time.

3. I'm grateful that Rachel loves reading the Bible. She always ask me to read her toddler Bible to her all throughout the day- while having breakfast, lunch, snack time, and right before she goes to bed. I pray that she'll continue to grow in the knowledge of Jesus.

My sister illustrated Psalm 23 for her and made her own storybook. Rachel is now learning to memorize it.

4. We had a lot of fun at an "End of summer potluck" on Sunday afternoon. We had tons of food and toys to play with. I'm definitely not ready for the end of summer, though.

5.  I'm grateful for God's protection all the time. Whether I'm at home, at work, while driving or even when I'm working out, I always pray for His guidance and protection upon my family.  

What are you thankful for this week?

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